Prospect Hill Cemetery

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PgNames (46)GenderDate of DeathAgeDate of BirthBlockLotNotesCause of DeathVeteran
D7Downing, Marian Locklin (Herbert)F04/17/199589~1906311 CremainsAcute Myocardial Infarction
L3Locklin, Edward E.M04/14/195377~1876311 Cerebral hemorrhage
L3Locklin, Mabel M.F04/01/197289~1883311 Acute Coronary Thrombosis
P2Peck, Howard H.U311 12/13/1937 Removed to Glenwood Mausoleum
P2Peck, Lester WilsonU311 12/13/1937 Removed to Glenwood Mausoleum
T4Thomas, MildredF08/09/199789~1908311 Not Given
T3Thomas, WaylandM05/07/196355~1908311 Acute myocardial infarction
K2Kennedy, James W.M11/27/193685~1851312 Myocarditis
D4Dakin, EstellaF07/19/195575~1880313 Carcinoma of Rectum
P1Patten, Lavina E.F05/13/192979~1850314 Myocarditis
M2Mason, Margaret J.F12/29/192862~1866314 WPneumonia
B2Benscoter, Frank M.M12/23/193579~1856315 Diabetis Mellitus
B2Benscoter, Mrs. MaudeF01/13/193972~1867315 Acute cardiac failure
S2Stephens, Sarah E.F01/17/192985~1844315 Acute Cardiac Dilation
H2Ham, JosephM02/14/194022~1918316 Lymphatic Leukemia Acute
H2Hughes, HarryM03/28/194164~1877316 Coronary Thrombosis
L1Lewis, Morris D.M09/01/193363~1870316 Moved 10/12/1936Angina Pectoris
L2Lewis, Morris D.U09/01/193309/01/1933316 10/12/1936 Seymour #118 - Moved body to Valley View ScottPa.
L2Lewis, PaulU316 10/12/1936 Seymour #119 - Moved body to Valley View ScottPa.
B7Baker, Grace (Ham)F07/21/198794~1893316 NE ½Pneumonia & Respiratory failure
H5Ham, MatthewM09/22/197409/22/1974316 ½Arterio Sclerotic Cardio Vascular
H3Hughes, MaryF07/09/195062 yrs 1 mos 24 dys05/15/1888316 ½Cardiac Infraction
G1Gendall, Grace BF12/09/192373~1850317 Uremia
G4Gendall, Mary EdithF05/14/196582~1883317 Congestive Heart Failure
H4Hedman, Barbara RuthF01/31/195661~1895317 Carcinoma of ovary with metastasis
H4Hedman, Edward R.M07/18/195653~1903317 Carcinoma of stomach
L1Lewis, Thomas C.M08/08/1926008/08/1926318 Poor Lot: Transferred to L8 Blk 31 Grave 16Still Born
N1Neesham, MaryF11/12/192966~1863318 La Grippe
T1Thomas, Mary A.F12/11/192964~1865318 Myocarditis
W1Winstone, AnnF01/10/192764~1863318 Lagrippe
W1Winstone, James OliverM04/01/1927 7 dys03/24/1927318 Pneumonia
L2Lewis, Elizabeth WinstoneF12/13/194563~1882318 S ½Cerebral Hemorrhage
L2Lewis, Samuel J.M05/18/194566~1879318 S ½Emphysemis Silicosis
N1Neesham, FrancisF07/14/193846~1892318 ½Nephritis
N1Neesham, Thomas Sr.M11/09/193755~1882318 ½Acute Cardiac Dilation
W7Winstone, BlancheF01/29/197181~1890318 ½Not on permit
W6Winstone, William G.M05/19/196468~1896318 ½Coronary heart disease
T3Thomas, ClarenceU09/20/196673~1893319 Coronary Occlusion
T3Thomas, Donald RogerM07/10/195227~1925319 asphyxiation by drowning
T3Thomas, EdithF06/25/196871~1897319 Acute congestive heart Failure
T2Thomis, Charles G.M08/18/194483~1861319 Strangulated Hernia
D4Downing, Charles J.M02/18/196255~19073110 Myocardial Infarction
J3Jones, Katie S.F04/10/196084~18763110 Cerebrovascular disease
J2Jones, William W.M04/30/194874 yrs 11 mos 29 dys05/01/18733110 Apoplexy
Mc2McDonald, KatherineF07/22/196153 yrs 9 mos 28 dys09/25/19073110 Carcinomatosis
W3Williams, AnnF10/31/1943 7 mos03/31/19433110 Hydrosephalic and Spina Bifida

IN MEMORIUM - Richard C. Krapf - 1930-2014
This site is dedicated to the memory of Richard C. Krapf, long time Secretary of the Prospect Hill Cemetery Association,
without whom none of this would have been possible.
Richard passed away peacefully on April 14th, 2014, at the age of 83.

Special thanks to Terri, Pat, Leah & Patrice, who did the bulk of the transcriptions.

Note that the burial books from which most entries were transcribed cover burials dating from
approximately July of 1922 to the present. Burial records from before 1922 were lost in a fire, though
some entries have been added to this database from other sources.

Send corrections, addition, and requests to copy or re-use to
Steve Swales.
Copying or re-use of more than individual entries by permission only.
Copying of images by permission only.
Copyright © 2014 Stephen W. Swales & Prospect Hill Cemetery Association