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Youguang Zhao [趙有光]

Gender: Male

Father: Liangzhong Zhao [趙良忠]
Mother: Li {Zhao} []

Born: 1903, Shanghai, China [中国, 上海] cn_1890.gif

Married: Guizhen Sun {Zhao} [孫桂珍], C.1928, China [中国] repofchina1928-1949.gif
Children: J. Zhao {Fang} [趙 J.], J. Zhao [趙 J.], J. Zhao {Cao} [趙 J.], Z. Zhao {Fan} [趙 Z.], Jide Zhao [趙继德]

Died: 1945, China [中国] repofchina1928-1949.gif

 He served in the military (cavalry) as regimental commander ,
 after attending a famous military school .
 He graduated in the fourth group, along with someone who was later very
 important in the government.  After that person came to his funeral and
 met his wife, she paniced and destroyed all of his papers, which
 she had saved up until then.
 He was in charge of port inspection in Shanghai.
 During the war, he often fought in areas with water (northern Jiangsu
 province), and wanted all of his troops to stay together.
 Ultimately he was betrayed by one of his officers, but was warned by
 another of his officers to leave.
 He died as a result of some sort of infection while still fighting the