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Edgar M. Wightman

Gender: Male

Father: Asher S. Wightman
Mother: Emeline Richardson {Wightman}

Born: 28 Dec 1856, Parish, Oswego County, NY 31star.gif

Married: Rosella E. Cross {Wightman}, Feb 1872
Children: Lura Wightman {Boyd}, Ruby Wightman {Boyd}

Census: 1880, West Monroe, Oswego County, NY [773] 38star.gif

Census: 1900, West Monroe, Oswego County, NY [772] 45star.gif

Married: Emma Prentiss {Wightman}, 17 May 1905, Constantia, Oswego County, NY 45star.gif

Census: 1910, Constantia, Oswego County, NY [346] 46star.gif

Census: 1920, Constantia, Oswego County, NY [502] 48star.gif

Died: 18 Jan 1927

Buried: After 18 Jan 1927, West Monroe Cemetery, West Monroe, Oswego County, NY 48star.gif

1880 US Census
1900 US Census
1910 US Census
1920 US Census
 WIGHTMAN, Edgar M., was born in Parish December 28, 1856, son of Asher
 S., WIGHTMAN, a native of Parish, born and reared on a farm and a son
 of Humphreys and Eunice WIGHTMAN, who were among the very first
 settlers of the town of Parish.  Asher S., was a school teacher and
 writing master during his younger days, always taking an active
 interest in educational affairs, being chosen school commissioner for
 several years, and provided his children with a liberal education.
 His wife was Emeline RICHARDSON of Mexico, N.Y. and their children are
 Mrs. Ella ACKLEY of Parish, Mrs. Minnie WETHERBEE of West Monroe, and
 Edgar M.  He was born, lived and died on the old homestead farm.
 Edgar M. was reared on the farm and attended school at Parish,
 finishing his education at Mexico Academy.  He then taught school for
 several years, being very popular as an instructor and teacher.  In
 February, 1872, he married Rosella E. CROSS, only child of Cyrus
 P. and Lura (PENOYER) CROSS of West Monroe, N.Y.  They have two
 children, Lura and Ruby, who are being educated at Cazenovia Seminary,
 this State.  In the spring of 1885 he engaged in the general
 mercantile business in the village of West Monroe, N.Y. in partnership
 with his father-in-law.  Sine the latter's death in 1892 he has
 assumed control and proprietorship of the business, carrying on the
 largest general mercantile and supply business in this section of the
 country, in connection with which he carried on an extensive
 agricultural business in this and adjoining counties.  Besides the
 mercantile business, Mr. W. is largely interested in farming in West
 Monroe and Constantia.  He is a member of the Masonic order, and has
 served his town as supervisor and postmaster.