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Adam Uth

Gender: Male

Father: Jean Adam Uth
Mother: Elizabeth Grenier {Uth}

Born: 28 Aug 1796, Alsace-Lorraine, France fr_15feb1794.gif

Married: Magdalene Meyers {Uth}, Before 1825, France fr_15feb1794.gif
Children: Adam Oot Jr., Catherine Oot, Magdeleine Oot, John Oot, Nicholas Oot, Chretien Oot, Anthony Oot, Joseph Oot, Henry Oot, Eliza Oot

Emigrated: C.May 1832, Le Havre, France [438] fr_15feb1794.gif

On board: From C.May 1832 to 11 Jun 1832, Old Line Sailing Ship Henri IV [438]

Immigrated: 11 Jun 1832, New York, NY [438] 24star.gif

Naturalized: Adam Oot, C.1837

Died: Between 1840 and 1850, NY 26star.gif

Census: 1840, Manlius, Onondaga County, NY [437] 26star.gif

1840 US Census
 Some records indicate he died in 1880, however, he is missing
 from the census with his wife and family, starting in 1850, so
 I beleive he died between 1840 and 1850.

 Place; New York, New York
 Source Publication Code; 7640
 Primary Immigrant; Uth, Adam
 Annotation; Date and port of arrival. Extracted from records at the National Archives.
 	Sex, occupation, and country of origin are also provided.
 Source Bibliography; ROCKETT, CHARLES WHITLOCK, compiler.
    Some Shipboard Passengers of Captain John Rockett from
    Europe to New York City (1828-1841).
    Mission Viejo, Calif.: the compiler, 1983. 46p.
 Page: 	  	6
 Adam Uth  	1832  	32  	New York, New York
 Magedrine Uth 	1832 	32 	New York, New York
 Catherine Uth 	1832 	7 	New York, New York
 Adam Uth 		1832 	5 	New York, New York
 John Uth 		1832 	4 	New York, New York
 Nicolas Uth 	1832 	3 	New York, New York
 Chrstain Uth 	1832 	6 mos 	New York, New York

 Name; 	   	Adam Uth
 Year; 	  	1837
 Place; 	  	New York
 Source Publication Code; 	  	5942
 Primary Immigrant; 	  	Uth, Adam
 Annotation; Mostly nationals of Great Britain; many Irish; a few
   French; 1830s.
   Source Bibliography; MYERS, MRS. LESTER F. Abstracts from the
   Minute Book of the Onondaga County Court of Common Pleas ,
   Recording Aliens' Declarations of Intentions to Become Citizens, and
   Other Naturalization Proceedings. In Tree Talks, vol. 11;1
   (Mar. 1971), pp. 11-12 (Immigration and Naturalization, pp. 33-34);
   vol. 11;2 (June 1971), pp. 67-68 (Immigration and Naturalization,
   pp. 35-36); vol. 11;3 (Sept. 1971), pp. 133-134 (Immigration and
   Naturalization, pp. 37-38).
 Page; 	  	38

 Passenger Arrivals at the Port of New York 1830-1832
 		From Customs Passenger Lists
 		  Elizabeth P. Bentley
 	     Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
 UTH, Adam	 	 8	M	Labourer	France	United States	Henri IV (Henri IVth)	11 Jun 1832
      Adam		34	M	Labourer	France	United States	Henri IV (Henri IVth)	11 Jun 1832
      Catherine	 7	F	Labourer	France	United States	Henri IV (Henri IVth)	11 Jun 1832
      Chretien	6/12	M	Labourer	France	United States	Henri IV (Henri IVth)	11 Jun 1832
      John	 	 4	M	Labourer	France	United States	Henri IV (Henri IVth)	11 Jun 1832
      Magdeleine  	 6	F	Labourer	France	United States	Henri IV (Henri IVth)	11 Jun 1832
      Magedeine	32	F	Labourer	France	United States	Henri IV (Henri IVth)	11 Jun 1832
      Nicolas	 3	M	Labourer	France	United States	Henri IV (Henri IVth)	11 Jun 1832