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Ada Laura Scott {Decker Morgan Frounfelker}

Gender: Female

Born: Apr 1872, PA 37star.gif

Married: John E. Decker, C.1888
Children: L. Decker

Married: Burton E. Morgan, E.After 1904

Married: Frank Frounfelker, C.1908
Children: Otto F. Frounfelker

Census: 1920, Dickson City, Lackawanna County, PA [259] 48star.gif

Died: E.After 1921

1920 US Census
 In 1920, her son (from a previous marriage) Otto's name looks like Frounfelker.  There
 is a Frank and Laura Frounfelker in Blakely in 1910.  There too, she has a daughter from
 a previous marriage.  If this is she, then her maiden name is Scott, and her marriage to
 Burton Morgan was her third.