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John Phillips

Gender: Male

Father: Peter Phillips
Mother: Susannah Streeter {Phillips}

Born: 2 Apr 1761, Dudley, Worcester County, MA gb-1606.gif

Enlisted in: Col. Parsons Sixth Regiment; Second Co., 8 May 1775, Hartford, Hartford County, CT [1893] gb-1606.gif

Enlisted as: Private, 8 May 1775, Hartford, Hartford County, CT [1893] gb-1606.gif

Mustered out: 16 Dec 1775 [1893]

Enlisted in: Capt John P Hyllys Co.; Col. Samual B Webbs Regiment, 12 Feb 1778, Hartford, Hartford County, CT [1893] 13star.gif

Enlisted as: Private, 12 Feb 1778, Hartford, Hartford County, CT [1893] 13star.gif

Mustered out: C.1781

Married: Hannah Nicholson {Phillips}, 2 Apr 1783, Glastonbury, Hartford County, CT [1893] 13star.gif
Children: Susanna Phillips, Fanny Phillips, Polly Phillips, Anna Phillips, Lavina Phillips, Hannah Phillips, Morgan Phillips, Alexander Hamilton Phillips, Narcissa Phillips, Thompson Phillips, Henry Champion Phillips

Census: 1790, East Hartford, Hartford County, CT [2339] 13star.gif

Census: 1800, Hartford, Hartford County, CT [2331] 15star.gif

Married: Nancy Cornish {Phillips Pratt}, After 1806
Children: James Monroe Phillips, Emily Phillips {Welbourne}, Elizabeth Phillips {Dopp Butler}

Census: 1810, Wethersfield, Hartford County, CT [2322] 15star.gif

Census: 1820, Steuben, Oneida County, NY [2313] 21star.gif

Census: 1830, Steuben, Oneida County, NY [2300] 24star.gif

Census: 1835, Steuben, Oneida County, NY [1943] 24star.gif

Resided: 1836, Steuben, Oneida County, NY 24star.gif

Died: 4 Jul 1836 [1919]

Buried: After 4 Jul 1836, Old Steuben Cemetery, Steuben, Oneida County, NY 24star.gif

1790 US Census
1800 US Census
1810 US Census
1820 US Census
1830 US Census
1835 US Census
1836 Will
1836 Will
1836 Will
1927 DAR Report
1927 DAR Report
1927 DAR Report
1927 DAR Report
 Another record shows born 2 Apr 1762, Colebrook Litchfield County, CT
 Continental Line 1777 to 1781
 served in Col. Enos Regiment on the Hudson 1778, Cat. Robinsons Co. arrived at Saw Pits, 29 Jun 1778
 James Monroe born 1819, Emily born 1821
 maybe died 1 Jul 1836
 age on gravestone is 75, consistent with birth between 1760 & 1761.
 also in Old Steuben Cemetery:
   Phillips, George W. son of Henry C. Phillips, died Feb. 12, 1851, age 3yrs 10mos 12 dys
   Phillips, Electa, wife of Henry C. Phillips, died July 21, 1849, age 46 yrs
   Phillips, Henry C. died Jan 24, 1853 age 49 yrs
   Phillips, Henry, son of Henry & Electa Phillips, died July 3, 1849 age 11 yrs 1 mo

 John served in the Revolution in the 9th Connecticut Regiment.
 John is listed in the 1835 list of pensioners:
 County; Oneida Co.
 Name; John Phillips, 3rd
 Rank; private
 Annual allowance; 96 00
 Sums Received;  1441 03
 Description of service; Connecticut line
 Placed on pension roll; 22 Jul 1819
 Commencement of pension; 1 Mar 1819
 Age; 70
 age is not quite right for 1835.... should be 73.
 middle initial probably P.

 From DAR Application of Anna Roberts Scoville, 15 Feb 1927

 Early children born in E. Hartford.
 Susanna m. Joseph Porter in Steuben
 Fanny m. Frederich Wm Steuben in Steuben (looks like Collins in will)
 Polly m. 1st Warren, 2nd Brooks in Steuben
 Anna m. Sylvester Fox in Steuben
 Lavina b. 8 Jul 1791, m. Ansel Shaw in Steuben
 Hannah b. 11 Feb 1795, m. John Merrick in Steuben
 Thompson. b. 5 Jun 1798, m. Juliann Booth in Steuben
 Morgan (will says John M.)
 Henry Champion b. 1804 m. 1st Electa Ford, 2nd Elmira Dayton in Steuben
 Alexander Hamilton
 Narcissa, m. Samuel Clark

 Also shows Elizabeth (Betsey) m. Samuel Dustin, which is in error.

 Will dated 17 May 1836 lists:
   wife: Nancy; 1/3 of property for her natural life after debts
           Susanna Porter; 1 dollar
           Fanny Collins; 5 dollars
           Anny Fox; 5 dollars
           Lavina Shaw; 15 dollars
           Hannah Merrick; five dollars
           Narcissa Clark; 5 dollars
           Polly Warren 15 dollars
           Emily & Elizabeth; 80 dollars each to be paid to them...
                   and age Thompson Phillips shall direct to them and
                   commit them at their ...
           Thompson, John M, Henry C., Alexander H; 50 dollars each
           James M. Phillips; 80 dollars to he paid to him at the
                   age of 21years with interest.
 Thompson Phillips and John Merrick were named Executors. Daniel M. Crowell
 was a witness and put in charge of James inheritance until he came of
 age.  Thompson and Henry C were the other witnesses.

 Hannah and John Merrick are in Steuben Corners Cemetery:
   Merrick, Hannah, wife (of John Merrick), died Nov. 2, 1877 age 82 yrs 8 mos
   Merrick, John died Apr. 12, 1866 age 74 yrs
 Lavina & Ansel Shaw in Delhi, Delaware Co, NY in 1850 with a whole
 pack of other Shaws, and daughter Emaline (age 17).
 Samuel & Narcissa Clark are in Steuben in 1850:
 Samuel 33 CT, Narcissa 44 CT, William L 22 NY, De Witt 20 NY,
 John 16 NY, Susan Ann 12 NY, so Narcissa was born in CT C.1806,
 and they were married before C.1828.
 Alexander H. Phillips, age 30-40 in Boonville 1840.
 John M. Phillips 50 CT , wife Mathilda 45 NY in Boonville 1850. There
 is also a Sally Phillips 34 NY on the same page.

 IGI data, all born in East Hartford:
   Susannah C.1784, Polly C.1786, Lavina 8 Jul 1791
   Anna 1787, Hannah 11 Feb 1795, Thompson 5 Jun 1798, Henry C 1804