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John B. Morrow

Gender: Male

Father: William Morrow
Mother: Elizabeth Butler {Morrow}

Born: 4 Oct 1820, Augusta, Oneida County, NY 21star.gif

Census: 1830, Georgetown, Madison County, NY [2306] 24star.gif

Married: Susan Marshall {Morrow}, 6 Jan 1846
Children: Frances Morrow, Francelia Morrow, J. Franklin Morrow, Gertrude Morrow {Stearns}

Census: 1850, Georgetown, Madison County, NY [2278] 30star.gif

Census: 1860, Georgetown, Madison County, NY [2253] 33star.gif

Census: 1870, Georgetown, Madison County, NY [2230] 37star.gif

Married: Jennie A. Barker {Morrow}, 6 Mar 1876
Children: Franklin A. Morrow, Grace Morrow

Census: 1880, Georgetown, Madison County, NY [2199] 38star.gif

Census: 1892, Georgetown, Madison County, NY [1647] 44star.gif

Died: E.After 1893

1830 US Census
1850 US Census
1860 US Census
1870 US Census
1880 US Census
 Bio of John B. Morrow... not sure of date of this Bio...

 JOHN B. MORROW was born in the town of Augusta, Oneida county, N. Y.,
 October 4th, 1820. His parents were WILLIAM and ELIZABETH (BUTLER)
 MORROW, natives of Ireland, who were born, the father in 1790, and the
 mother in 1800.

 They came to America when quite young and settled in the town of
 Augusta, Oneida county, where they lived three years, and then came to
 Georgetown and located on the farm where the subject of this brief
 sketch is now living. They remained here thirty-one years, and then
 returned to the town of Augusta and lived there until they died. The
 mother died September 17th, 1855, aged fifty-five years and ten days,
 and the father, January 6th, 1873, aged eighty-three years, four
 months and twenty-seven days. They had ten children, namely: JOHN B.,
 MARY L., WILLIAM D., (died June 5th, 1857,) ISABEL, ELIZABETH, JANE,
 FRANCES, ANNVERNETTE and JAMES E.,-all are now living except WILLIAM

 JOHN B. lived at home until he was twenty-four years of age, when he
 married SUSAN MARSHALL, of the town of Eaton, Madison county, the 6th
 of January, 1846. By her he had four children, as follows: FRANCES,
 born April 17th, 1849, died December 30th, 1851; FRANCELIA, born March
 26th, 1855, married ALBERT E. LaSELL, of Lebanon, February 6th, 1872;
 J. FRANKLIN, born July 8th, 1858, died December 15th, 1872; and
 GERTRUDE, born January 24th, 1861. The mother of these children died
 February 12th, 1875.

 March 6th, 1876, Mr. MORROW married JENNIE A. BARKER, of Oswego,
 N. Y. She was born January 31st, 1850, and is the daughter of
 P. B. and FRANCES M. (PERRY) BARKER. By this wife he has one son,
 FRANKLIN A., born June 15th, 1877.

 The farm on which Mr. MORROW lives originally contained 170 acres, and
 since his purchase of it from his father, he has added to it from time
 to time until it now contains 327 acres. Mr.  MORROW has been a hard
 working, industrious farmer, and a great portion of his highly
 cultivated and improved farm was cleared by his own hands, and now it
 may safely be said that it is one of the very best in the county.

 Mr. MORROW commenced life without a shilling, (to use his own words,)
 and has succeeded by energy and perseverance in accumulating a fine
 property. He had no advantages for an education-two terms at a
 district school being all that he ever enjoyed; but the training he
 received during his minority and his natural ability and determination
 admirably fitted him for the work of carving out of the wilderness the
 comfortable home which now, in his declining years, rewards him for
 his toil and industry.

 Mr. MORROW is generous in support of all worthy enterprises, and is
 universally esteemed by all who know him for his many excellent
 qualities of head and heart.

 From "History of Chenango and Madison Counties, NY" starting on page 591.