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Robert H. Acker

Gender: Male

Born: C.1811, NY 15star.gif

Married: Minerva Austin {Acker}, Before C.1836
Children: Eliza Jane Acker, Catherine Acker, William Acker, Maria Acker, Emily Acker, Mary Ellen Acker, Louisa Acker, Charles E. Acker, Amanda Jesse Acker {Dopp}

Census: 1840, Mexico, Oswego County, NY [2292] 26star.gif

Census: 1850, Granby, Oswego County, NY [441] 30star.gif

Census: 1860, Oswego Township, Oswego County, NY [2244] 33star.gif

Married: Lucy {Acker}, Before 1870

Census: 1870, Oswego Township, Oswego County, NY [2218] 37star.gif

Died: Before 25 Aug 1877

Died: E.After 1878

1860 US Census
1870 US Census
 Mary Ellen listed as Minerva in 1850, age 2 months.
 They are neighbors of William and Emily (Dopp) Welbourne in 1860 and 1870.
 A detailed ancestry for Robert Henry Acker is on (see ACKERS.ged).
 I'm not totally certain it is the same Robert H. Acker, but seems very likely, based
 on the name (including middle initial, location, and age).

 OSWEGO COUNTY COUNRT - Hiram Briggs against Jane Carpenter, Jugurta
 H. Carpenter, Ann Scofield, John Scofield, Maria Holden, Jerome
 Holden, Emily Works, James Works, Ellen Hull, Orin Hull, Louisa
 Featherly, Harvey Featherly, Charles Acker, Jane Acker, Amanda Dopp,
 Morris Dopp, and Louisa Featherly as administratix of Robert Acker

   To the above named defendants:

 You are hearby required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in
 this action, which was filed with the cleark of the county of
 Oswego, at Oswego city, N.Y., on the 25th day of August, 1877, and
 to serve a copy of your answer on me, at Oswego city, New York,
 within twenty days afther the service hereof upon you, exclusive of
 the day of service. If you fail to so answer said complaint, the
 plaintiff will apply to the Court for the releif demanded in the
                                        Plaintiff's Attorney.