Louis Gagner | |
Gender: Male Brickwall: Uncertain: Born: E.Before 1580, France Married: Marie Launay {Gagner}, E.Before 1612 Children: Louis Gagner Died: 9 Apr 1640, St. Cosme-de-Vair, Sarthe, France Notes: Something strange... husband and wife both died the same day in differnt places? Distinct ancestors in tree: 0 Distinct descendants in tree: 219
Relation: (HFMFFFMFFFMFF) husband's g(10) grandfather Relation: (HFMFFFFFFMFddHFBddHFMFF) husband's 1st cousin 8x removed's husband's 1st cousin 1x removed's husband's g(2) grandfather Relation: (HFMFFFFMFFBWBdHFMFF) husband's g(8) uncle's wife's brother's daughter's husband's g(2) grandfather Nationality by birthplace (or surname) of first ancestors: