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Nord-deutscher Lloyd steamship Trave, North Atlantic


 The "Trave" was built by Fairfield & Co, Glasgow in 1886,
 commissioned by Nord-deutscher Lloyd. The Trave was a 4969 gross ton
 vessel, 438 feet in length and with a beam of 48.1 feet. It had two
 funnels, four masts, a single screw and a speed of 17 knots. There was
 accommodation for 150 first class, 90 second class and 1,000 third
 class passengers. The Trave was launched on the 18th of February 1886
 and made its maiden voyage, Bremerhaven-Southampton-New York, on June
 5, 1886.

 The Trave was involved in several accidents. On June 13th 1889 it
 collided with the Russian schooner "David," sinking it. Another
 unfortunate incident occurred on June 21, 1892 when the Trave collided
 in the Atlantic with the sailing ship "Fred B. Taylor," which sank
 with the loss of two lives. In July of 1896 the Trave was refurbished
 by AG Vulcan in Stettin. The number of masts were reduced to two,
 its funnels were lengthened, the cabin deck was extended aft, the
 number of cabin portholes amidships was increased from 22 to 27 and
 the engine and boilers were overhauled. In addition it was painted
 white. After being refitted the Trave continued on the Bremerhaven-New
 York circuit until 1901 when it was transferred to the Genoa - Naples
 - New York run. Its last voyage on this route began on April 23,
 1903. Between 1903-1906 it was laid up. On March 1, 1906 the Trave
 made a temporary reappearance between Bremen and New York. It made
 nine round-trip voyages on this run, the last one in November 1907. In
 1909 it was sold and scrapped.
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