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Family tree for
W. West

There are currently 1 entries in this tree.
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Nationality: England
 (this brief history provided by Shirley Felshaw Smith, via Diane Marshall)

 The first record of any Wests dates back as far as 1410, when
 Thomas West was made the Baron de la War of England.

 The 12th Baron de la War, also named Thomas West, was a member of the
 Virginia Company.  In 1610, with a group of settlers, West, the bearer
 of the expense of the expedition, left for Jamestown.  He constructed
 two forts at the mouth of the James River and helped rebuild Jamestown.
 He left the colony in 1611 to return to England.  After hearing rumors
 of tyranical rule, he set off to return to Jamestown.  While enroute
 to Jamestown, West on June 7, 1618.  He was buried at sea.  Both the
 River and the State of Delaware were named in his honor.

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