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Nationality: China
The traditional written form of the name is 趙.
The simplified written form of the name is 赵.
The Zhao family name is a very ancient and honored Chinese name. It
was the family name of the Song dynasty emperors from C.960AD to
C.1276AD. Not coincidentally, it is the first name on the list of
"100 family names" compiled during the Song dynasty. The images above
are of the traditional and simplified forms of this name,
respectively. The character for the family name was sometimes used in
ancient China in the form of a flag or banner for a family or clan.
Along with the seal or "chop" which was used in place of a signature
to identify an individual or office, these characters served some of
the purposes of the family crest used in Europe. The "chop" above is
of a famous painter with the Zhao family name. The traditional form of
the Zhao character, in what is called "seal style" can be seen in the
upper right corner.
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